The Yoga Comeback: A Weekend of Meditations, Contractions, and Surprises

Namaste everyone!

So, Master G finally came back from her mystical India trip, and Ralph and I decided it was high time to roll out our yoga mats again last Saturday, June 22nd. To make it a full family affair, we took Ken and Lady Jenn along with us to Bacolod, as they had a follow-up consultation with Lady Jenn’s OB GYN. Talk about multitasking, right?

The day was extra special because my dear friend Janice was taking up the Basic Meditation course. We stayed after our yoga session to support her and ended up reviewing the course with her. It was like being back in school, except way more zen and with less stress about pop quizzes.

We checked in to Sukro after the review because we were staying overnight in Bacolod for the Full Moon meditation at Daily Prana. I got Ken and Lady Jenn their own room because, let’s be real, her contractions were making me nervous. The last thing I wanted was for them to take the bus back to Hinigaran with Baby Girl deciding it was time to make an early appearance.

Now, the Full Moon meditation was…interesting. Master G was in full guru mode, talking about “nothingness.” Everyone seemed deeply connected to this concept, chatting away about it afterward. Meanwhile, I felt like I had a major out-of-body experience because I had zero clues about this nothingness talk. Did my soul decide to go on its own little journey? Who knows! But one thing’s for sure, I missed the memo on that spiritual lesson.

After our otherworldly meditation, Ralph and I made our way to Al Forno, our new favorite spot in Bacolod. The place was packed! The waiter seemed new and a bit flustered, mixing up my order. Thankfully, someone else swooped in to save the day, and we eventually got our delicious dinner.

Feeling full and happy, we headed next door to BeerYoung, also owned by the Gilbor family. The live band was jamming, and the cocktails were spot-on. Ralph, of course, was in heaven with his sub-zero beer. I swear, he’s getting addicted to it!

We waddled back to Sukro, stuffed and satisfied, ready to crash. Little did we know, the next day, Sunday, June 23rd, was going to bring some unexpected surprises. But that’s a story for my next blog post!

Stay tuned for the Sunday saga!