The Elixir Placenta Saga: Two Weeks In, and The Verdict Is… Kinda Amazing?

Ah, the lengths we go to for better health and wellness. Two weeks ago, I embarked on a rather exotic journey. No, I didn’t climb the Himalayas to meet a wellness guru. I started taking Elixir Placenta supplements. Hold your applause—or gasps—until the end, folks.

The Pre-Elixir Me

First off, let’s address the health brigade I’ve been managing: Type-2 Diabetes which has been controlled prior to Elixir, Psoriatic Arthritis, and High LDL, a.k.a the Bad Cholesterol. Yep, it’s like a Justice League of ailments. And what was my kryptonite? Sleep—or the lack of it. But hold onto your yoga mats because this tale has a twist!

Sleeping Like a Baby, but Not a Crying One

Within a week of taking Elixir Placenta, I started sleeping like someone injected melatonin directly into my veins. And not just the shallow, “Oh, I’m kinda asleep but I can still hear the neighbor’s dog” type of sleep. I’m talking deep, dream-filled slumbers that make you forget your name for a second when you wake up. Insomnia? Never heard of her!

But What About the Arthritis, You Ask?

Now, you might be thinking, “Dia, did it cure your arthritis?” No, it didn’t turn me into Wonder Woman. I haven’t thrown away my arthritis meds just yet. But—and this is a big but—I haven’t had to rely on Methylprednisolone for the longest time! For context, Methylprednisolone and I used to be like peas and carrots. Except, unlike peas and carrots, this relationship wasn’t good for me—or my liver.

Let’s be clear: the pain hasn’t disappeared. It’s still there, lurking like that one Instagram follower who never likes your posts but watches every single story. However, it’s less intrusive. I can still feel it when I flex my wrist or move my toes, but it’s like the pain got demoted from a main character to an extra. But don’t pop the champagne yet, because this “extra” is still crashing my yoga party. Yep, basic poses like Wild Thing, prolonged Downward Dog, and anything requiring wrist-bearing? Still a struggle, my friends.

Hair and Nails: Growing Faster Than a High-Speed Train

Oh, and get this: my hair and nails have been growing faster than a cheetah chasing dinner. Remember my desperate Facebook post begging for hair growth tips? Forget it. My locks are now gracing my shoulders, and no, I didn’t use any magical shampoo.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis

Here’s the thing though: Elixir Placenta ain’t cheap. Think of it as the Gucci of supplements. My niece, Sherbeth, who sold it to me, suggests I go for a twice-a-day dosage, as you can see in the image below. My wallet is still in shock. Do the math and it’s more like a luxury than a staple. But then again, can you really put a price on feeling good?

The Plan Moving Forward

My husband is busy crunching numbers to see if we can make the twice-a-day dosage work. I mean, he’s supportive, but even he has limits when it comes to burning cash. For now, I’m considering sticking to the one-a-day plan. Why? Because Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is optimal health.

The Final Note: It’s Expensive to Be Me

Ah yes, Elixir Placenta, you’re forcing me to channel my inner Erika Jayne because darling, it’s expensive to be me. I mean, let’s be honest: If living your best life was cheap, everyone would be doing it, right? And while the glamour of life often comes with a price tag, in this case, it’s a tag I’m willing to consider. Because, let’s face it: good health isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

So until next time, when I’ll surely update you on whether Elixir Placenta requires me to get a second mortgage or not, remember: Living well might be the best revenge, but it’s also not for the faint of wallet. And just so you know, I have zero regrets about buying Elixir Placenta.

That’s a wrap, folks! I’ll be back with more life updates that will hopefully not bankrupt me. Cheers to wellness, no matter the cost! 🥂

P.S. If you would like to know more about Gfoxx Elixir Placenta, please go to their checkout page.