The Accidental Reiki Master Healer: My Unexpected Journey

Okay, so if someone had told me a few months ago that I’d be writing this blog post, I’d probably have laughed, rolled my eyes, or both. But here I am, loud and proud, announcing to the world: I am now a certified Reiki Master Healer! 🎉 And, nope, I’m not pulling your leg, not one bit!

But let’s rewind a bit.

Believe it or not, I had zero intention of ever diving into the world of Reiki. My dear husband, bless his sneaky heart, played a pivotal role in this unanticipated twist in my journey. He practically twisted my arm (not literally, of course) into attending the Reiki 1 and 2 courses. And let me be clear, I went in with a hard line: “This is it! No more of your spiritual shenanigans for me!”

Ah, how wrong I was.

As if conspiring with the universe wasn’t enough, my hubby joined forces with our endearing guru, Master Galen Sharma. Honestly, if there’s a Jedi mind trick out there in the real world, she’s got it down pat. Before I knew it, I found myself being sweet-talked, nudged, and gently coerced into the Master Healer class. Spoiler alert: she’s practically impossible to say no to.

Now, here’s where the plot thickens. Not only did I end up taking the course, but in a mere month, I became the quickest certified Reiki Master Healer on record! (Or at least, in my own personal record book.) 🥇 And get this – mere days after the class, my first 21-day healing client turned out to be none other than my BFF/third-cousin (because why not throw some fun family connections into the mix?), the fabulous Kristine Kho.

Okay, deep breaths. This is the part where I swallow my pride, gather my courage, and make a confession: As much as I resisted, as much as I grumbled and ranted about being “forced” into this holistic roller-coaster, I’m grateful. Grateful to my hubby, grateful to Master Galen, and grateful to the universe for always pushing me to leap outside my comfort zone, even when I dig my heels in.

So, to all of you out there hesitating to take a chance, be it Reiki or roller-skating, remember this: Sometimes, life’s greatest adventures begin with a little nudge (or a sneaky husband and an irresistible guru). 😉

Until next time, peace, love, and unexpected adventures! 🌸✨