Farewell to Cali: A Journey of Love and Loss

In our household, Cali was more than just a cat. She held the title of being the oldest among our feline companions, and her gentle presence brought us immense joy. However, two weeks ago, we noticed alarming changes in her health, prompting us to seek help from Espadera Animal Clinic and Spa. Little did we know that this would mark the beginning of a poignant chapter in Cali’s life.

Unraveling the Mystery:

Cali’s once vibrant spirit seemed overshadowed by her frail figure. Despite her continued appetite, her weight dropped significantly, leaving us perplexed. Additionally, we discovered a distressing injury around her neck, leading us to suspect encounters with stray cats during her outdoor adventures. Filled with concern, I confided in my husband, expressing my fear that we might soon lose our beloved Cali. This prompted him to take immediate action and bring her to the vet.

The Battle Against Tape Worms:

At the veterinary clinic, Cali’s condition was examined thoroughly. The astute veterinarian suspected that tape worms were the underlying cause of her rapid weight loss. During her confinement, Cali underwent deworming treatment, which alleviated the immediate issue. However, a lump in her kidney was discovered, presenting a new challenge. Regrettably, the clinic was ill-equipped to address such an ailment. Cali was discharged with a prescription for antibiotics, Immunol, and vitamins after two days of care.

The Misadventure at Home:

Returning home, Cali’s spirit briefly rekindled as she promptly managed to escape her confinement. Unfortunately, this escapade resulted in her missing vital nighttime medications. Thankfully, she returned the next day, but her overall well-being showed no improvement. Overwhelmed with concern, we decided to keep her in a cage inside our bedroom. However, this only seemed to deepen her misery, as her mournful cries pierced through the silence. Though she ate when food was provided, her condition remained stagnant.

The Silent Retreat:

Seeking solace, Cali sought refuge in small hiding spots, remaining concealed for extended periods. We grew increasingly anxious, unsure if she was eating or using the litter box. Hoping to coax her to eat, Ralph, my husband, attempted to relocate her closer to the food. In my distress, I scolded Ralph, urging him to leave Cali undisturbed, as her stress levels were palpable. Ignoring my plea, Ralph persisted, struggling to move her from her chosen sanctuary.

Cali’s Brave Defense:

Suddenly, a piercing scream jolted through the air — Cali had bitten Ralph! The bite exceeded the usual scratches; it pierced down to his finger bone, leaving him in intense pain. Fearing Ralph’s potential retaliation, I swiftly moved Cali’s cage out of the bedroom. Meanwhile, Ralph’s distress reached a peak as he sought aid in the bathroom. Worried about his well-being, I attended to him when he called out, assisting him in finding the necessary supplies for his wound.

A Day of Sorrow:

The following day brought some relief as Ralph’s condition improved. However, Cali was nowhere to be found, leading us to believe she had ventured out to avoid being caged once again. The atmosphere outside mirrored our heavy hearts, with the town deserted as people flocked to the beach to celebrate Labor Day, bidding farewell to the town fiesta and embracing the extended holiday weekend.

A Heart-Wrenching Discovery:

Nightfall descended, casting a shroud of darkness over our souls. It was then that Jenjen, with trembling words, revealed the lifeless body of Cali, nestled beneath Ralph’s saltwater aquarium