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How to Use the Coffeemax Espresso Cappuccino Coffee Machine
Shopee PH Is Way Better Than Lazada PH Now!

I Officially Have Type 2 Diabetes

Good morning friends! I have been staring at my computer screen for quite sometime now and for some reason, I was having a hard time getting myself to clock in…


Globe Broadband Cabinet Locations
Caught Something Supernatural in my Son’s Close-Up Shot
Shipping with PhilPost is a Total Nightmare If You’re NOT within Metro Manila
I Just Don’t Understand the Women’s Obsession with Branded Little Purse
It’s Time for Ken to Redeem Himself Next School Year
Facebook Bullies Just Can’t Get Their Noses Out of Other People’s Business

Clueless and Paranoid

I just finished eating my lunch consisting of the following: Yes I am still on my diet and am supposed to be following the 3-Day Military Diet but I decided…


When Life Ends in the Road

When Life Ends in the Road

At least four people died after two Ceres buses figured in an accident in Barangay Santo Niño, town of  E.B. Magalona around 7 am this morning. This news was posted all over ...


My Baker’s Cyst is Back

My Baker’s Cyst is Back

Three years ago I was diagnosed with Baker's Cyst. It is not malignant. Baker's Cyst, or more commonly called Popliteal Cyst, is simply a fluid-filled cyst that causes a bulge ...


I have Trypophobia

I thought it was something normal one has during childhood and would eventually disappear… but I was wrong. I have this intense feeling of revulsion at the sight of an…
