Hyperreactive Airways, Netflix’s Bridgerton, and a Dash of Optimism

Remember my last post where I was a bit (okay, a lot) under the weather with my perpetual flu? Well, the saga continues, but with a twist. I finally took the plunge and visited a pulmonologist. Yes, you read that right. I actually stepped out of my cozy little world and into the cold, sterile embrace of medical expertise.

Drumroll, please… the diagnosis is in: I have hyperreactive airways! It sounds pretty dramatic, doesn’t it? I imagine my airways as tiny, over-caffeinated squirrels that freak out at the slightest provocation. No more antibiotics for me, though and apparently, I’ve overindulged in Zykast to the point where it’s about as effective as a placebo.

The doc prescribed a new medication that’s three times more expensive (because why not?), but it’s only for seven days. So, my wallet can breathe a small sigh of relief. The funny part? I actually started feeling a lot better even before I popped the first pill of this new, gold-plated prescription. Coincidence? Magic? Who knows?

Now, here’s the best part: I think I can safely roll out my yoga mat on Wednesday! Yes, folks, I’m gearing up to twist and fold myself into my favorite poses once again. Compass pose and butterfly forward fold, here I come! I can practically hear my muscles cheering. Or maybe that’s just the new meds talking. Either way, I’m excited!

And speaking of excitement, guess what’s happening as I write this? A new season of Netflix’s Bridgerton is up, and I’m in full marathon mode! I’m absolutely delighted that Penelope, the charmingly chubby cast member who represents my size, is finally the focal point of this season! Chubby cast is finally being taken seriously! Seeing her grace the screen and command the storyline is like a breath of fresh air—something I could definitely use right now!

So, there you have it. A little drama, a bit of medical jargon, a Netflix binge, and a lot of hope. Stay tuned for more updates, and if you see me twisting like a pretzel on Wednesday, just know that all is right in my little world.

Until next time, stay healthy, keep breathing easy (without overreactive airways, if possible), and enjoy your Netflix marathons!