Three years ago I was diagnosed with Baker’s Cyst. It is not malignant. Baker’s Cyst, or more commonly called Popliteal Cyst, is simply a fluid-filled cyst that causes a bulge…
I thought it was something normal one has during childhood and would eventually disappear… but I was wrong. I have this intense feeling of revulsion at the sight of an…
Oh, sweet gossip, that spice of life that flavors every huddle in the Guard House at Madeleine Academy. It’s like the school’s own special brew of coffee, except it’s bitter,…
Our trip back to Cebu was very brief but way more expensive than the first one. We left Negros on Monday morning to catch our 10:50am PAL flight bound for…
Isn’t it sometimes irritating when someone teases you about something that is a little personal and when that someone does apologize, he/she still picks on you for the same joke…