A Memorable Adventure: Daily Prana 2023 Summer Outing

Last May 13, 2023, Daily Prana organized a summer outing that turned out to be an unforgettable and fun-filled adventure. Our destination was RLBermeo’s Rest House in Sitio Tagaytay, Talisay City. Despite a few hiccups along the way, the outing brought together the Daily Prana community, creating lasting memories and strengthening the bond among yogis. Join me as I recount the exciting events of that day!

A Challenging Journey:

The day began with an early wake-up call at 4:30 am to ensure we had ample time for the one-and-a-half-hour drive to our destination, setting off from Hinigaran. To ensure the best and quickest route, we opted to travel through San Enrique/La Carlota Road, anticipating a smooth journey. Little did we know that the road ahead would present us with unexpected challenges.

Navigating unfamiliar roads, we heavily relied on navigation apps like Waze and Google Maps. Unfortunately, we encountered areas with weak internet connection, causing the apps to reroute us and leading to a few wrong turns. Nevertheless, we persevered and sought the help of locals to find our way.

The Mystery of the Rest House:

Upon reaching the area at around 7:15 am, we discovered that locating RLBermeo’s Rest House was not as straightforward as we had anticipated. We stopped multiple times to ask people for directions, but initially, they were unaware of which rest house we were referring to. In our confusion, we even drove all the way to Campuestuhan Highland Resort, thinking it was beyond our destination. Eventually, someone informed us about a “hanging bridge” that would lead us to the rest house, but we mistakenly believed we had to pass through it. To our surprise, the hanging bridge was actually located within the vicinity of the rest house. Adding to the confusion, the rest house lacked any signage, making it difficult to identify. The arrival of Master G and her family confirmed that we were indeed at the right place.

Capturing Moments and Welcoming Others:

While waiting for the remaining Daily Prana members to arrive, we took advantage of the picturesque surroundings, capturing photographs of the scenic beauty. Ralph’s keen eye even spotted a horse, sparking his excitement. After about twenty minutes, a sizable group of members, including my best friend and cousin Kristine Kho, arrived in a convoy. They had relied on our fellow yogi, Rutha Rojo who knows the place, to guide them, which was a wise decision.

Embracing the Day’s Activities:

To kick off the day’s festivities, we engaged in a tribal costume photoshoot. Though I was uncertain if I had chosen the right costume, I simply grabbed something I deemed tribal-ish.

Following that, we proceeded with Prana Yoga, a rejuvenating practice that left me feeling invigorated.

However, the intensity of the session prompted a momentary bout of low blood sugar, causing me to sit down briefly.

Games and Laughter:

After hydrating with water and some beverages, we engaged in various exciting games. The first one was the “find your slippers game,” where I inadvertently collided with Hyacinth while rushing to find the remaining pair of slippers before time ran out. Although I hope I didn’t hurt her, the collision added a touch of unexpected amusement to the game.

The second game involved placing small paper plates all over our bodies and attempting to run in circles, fanning ourselves with one of the plates while competing against the other team. Despite our efforts, we didn’t emerge victorious. Lastly, the sack race took place, but due to my blurry vision, I opted out of participating.

Rica Kim kindly offered me fruit juice, although it proved challenging to locate it amidst the excitement. Nonetheless, we persevered and eventually moved on to the much-anticipated eating time.

Spontaneous Fun and Unleashed Inhibitions:

As the meal concluded, Rutha started the karaoke session, setting the stage for a truly spontaneous and exhilarating experience. Surprisingly, I found myself stepping out of my comfort zone and even requested my favorite song, “La Bamba,” to be added to the queue. It was a departure from my usual reserved nature, and there was an infectious energy in the air that seemed to break inhibitions for everyone. Perhaps Master G’s presence had a profound influence on us all.

YogaKini and Pool Time:

Following the karaoke session, we transitioned to YogaKini, an opportunity to showcase the new bikini I had purchased from Shopee. While it looked stunning on the model in the brochure, I realized it didn’t quite have the same effect on me. Nevertheless, I embraced the moment and enjoyed the camaraderie with fellow yogis.

After the YogaKini session, Ralph and I decided to take a refreshing dip in the pool as the humidity intensified. The water provided much-needed relief from the sweltering heat, washing away the sweat from our bodies. It was a delightful moment shared not only between us, but also with other Daily Prana yogis, including Tita Tess, Nang Cecil, Giselle, and Nang Gina. Immersed in the cool water, we enjoyed lighthearted conversations, laughter, and a sense of relaxation. The unpredictable weather added a touch of excitement, with raindrops occasionally joining us in the pool, only to be followed by the return of sunny skies. It was a perfect interlude, fostering connections and creating beautiful memories amidst the elements of nature.

Farewells and Reflections:

As the day progressed, Master G and Jen had to depart early due to a scheduled healing session. Meanwhile, Ralph and I changed into dry clothes in preparation for our travel to Bacolod. There were a lot of leftover food; so it was such a relief when Paola’s family arrived, hoping they could make the most of the remaining time there in the rest house. It was surprising to learn that the rest house rental cost Php15,000 for just one day, highlighting the significance of cherishing such experiences.

Unexpected Delight: An Encounter with a Playful Monkey

On our way to leave the rest house, an unexpected encounter added another memorable moment to our adventure. Ralph’s sharp eyes caught sight of a monkey, and his excitement knew no bounds. Eager to make friends with the monkey, Ralph approached it with anticipation. However, much to his surprise, the monkey seemed hesitant and chose to keep its distance, lingering at the edge of the bridge.

Curiosity piqued, I decided to approach the monkey myself. To our astonishment, the monkey’s demeanor completely transformed. It became animated and seemed genuinely thrilled by my presence. It approached me, displaying playful antics and inviting interaction. It was an unexpected twist that left us all amused and filled with wonder at the mysterious connections we forge with nature.

Homeward Bound:

Our return to Bacolod had its own share of misdirection due to the persistent rerouting caused by network fluctuations and navigation apps. However, we eventually arrived safely, although the memories of the outing still lingered fresh in our minds. Undeniably, it was one of the most memorable events of the year for me. The bond we forged with fellow Daily Prana yogis was extraordinary, and I eagerly look forward to future gatherings and adventures.

The Daily Prana 2023 Summer Outing at RLBermeo’s Rest House was a resounding success, filled with laughter, challenges, and unforgettable moments. Despite the initial difficulties in finding the location, the journey itself became an adventure, bringing us closer together. From tribal costume photoshoots and invigorating yoga sessions to thrilling games, karaoke, and pool time, every activity fostered a sense of camaraderie and unleashed our inhibitions. As we bid farewell, grateful for the memories created, we anticipate future events that will further strengthen our bonds within the Daily Prana community.