I Flunked My PT Exam But Scored A Boss-Level Gig: Confessions Of The Luckiest Work-From-Home Mom

So, let’s get this straight. I have a degree in Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy, folks. But not just any degree—I graduated with flying colors and even bagged the “Best in Clinical Performance” award during graduation. You read that right—I’ve got the cap, gown, and that piece of parchment that says, “You did the thing, and you did it really well!” But, before you ask, no, I’m not licensed. I took the exam, and let’s just say it and I didn’t quite see eye-to-eye.

Failed it.

Did I cry into my pillow? Nah.

Was I traumatized? Absolutely not.

Some of my friends took the exam three times before passing, but me? I decided to throw in the towel before Round 2 could even ding. Not for me, thank you very much.

Flash forward to the good stuff. I’m thirteen years into working for a company based in San Diego, and let me tell you, I hit the jackpot with my boss, Michael Cooch. If you could print “Serial Entrepreneur” on a business card in flashing lights, this guy would have it. I’m talking Texas-sized passion for sales, marketing, technology, and entrepreneurship. The whole nine yards.

The Pandemic Perks

While people were panicking, hoarding toilet paper, and getting into sourdough because what else is there to do, my boss decided to take a different route. Did he cut back, lay off staff, or go into hibernation? Heck no. He gave me more work! You heard me. While everyone else was sweating bullets over job security, I was blessed with a full plate, and not just because it was my birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, my boss didn’t just send me a “HBD” text or a generic Hallmark card. The man gave me a raise! Like, money-in-my-bank-account, could-buy-more-yoga-pants kind of raise. When does that happen? Apparently, when you have a boss who’s worth his weight in gold.

Looking Ahead: The Long-term Game

If you’re thinking this is just some short-term fling, think again. My boss has said it himself—he’s got long-term plans for me. We’re talking future projects, growth opportunities, and all that good stuff. How many freelancers can say their boss is thinking years ahead for them? I’m guessing not many.

Trust Is A Two-Way Street

Now, let’s talk about trust. When Michael Cooch needs more people for a project or a new venture, guess who he comes to? Yours truly! That’s right, he actually values my opinion enough to ask me for recommendations. It’s how Hazel Tupas, my good friend-turned-cousin-in-law and wife of my second cousin Ryan Tupas, got her foot in the door. But make no mistake—she wasn’t just handed a job because of my recommendation. She has proven herself to be an invaluable asset to the team. Our boss quickly recognized her skills and now she’s got major responsibilities and is thriving, both professionally and financially. So yes, when the boss trusts my judgment, it usually turns out to be a win-win for everyone involved.

Team Vibes During Trying Times

Remember how I mentioned the extra work and birthday raise during the pandemic? Well, that wasn’t all. Michael Cooch went the extra mile and sent Hazel and me LVRG caps during the pandemic! Yes, caps! And let me tell you, this was no ordinary piece of swag. This was a heartfelt gesture that made us feel like we truly belonged. It’s like our boss was saying, “You’re not just freelancers; you’re an integral part of this team.”

When someone sends you a cap to wear proudly, you know it’s more than just business—it’s family.

The Takeaway

So, while my path may not have started in the most conventional way (shoutout to that PT exam I have zero plans of retaking), I’m living proof that sometimes the road less traveled leads you to a kickass remote job, a boss who actually appreciates you, and yes, the flexibility to live life on my terms.

Long story short, I may have flunked my way out of a physical therapy career, but I absolutely nailed the landing in the remote work world. So here’s my advice: Sometimes you have to fail to find where you really belong. And boy, did I find it.

Cheers to being the luckiest work-from-home mom on this side of the Pacific!