Urgent Need for Service Improvement: Recent Inadequate Repair

August 1, 2023: Just a quick update: The Globe Fiber technician came back to correct the less-than-ideal wiring set up from the previous visit. The service is now back up to standard! A big thank you to the Globe Fiber team for their prompt action. 👍 #CustomerService #InternetFixed

Dear Globe Fiber Team/Globe At Home,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the recent service I have received as a long-standing and loyal customer of Globe Fiber. Despite intermittent performance issues in the past, I have always maintained my subscription, trusting in your commitment to quality service. However, the recent experience has prompted me to bring this matter to your attention.

Firstly, my internet connection was lost for two full days, a significant disruption to my personal and professional life. When I reported the issue, the automated service was not helpful in providing a job order number, instead inaccurately suggesting a network-wide outage despite my being the only affected subscriber in my area.

After a challenging process, I was able to secure a technician visit. Unfortunately, I was not present at the time, but my cousin was available to facilitate the technician’s work. Upon my return, I was greatly disappointed with the quality of the repair. The technician failed to restore the necessary box and left the wiring in an unappealing state. Although my cousin mentioned that the technician’s wire was not sufficient, they were reassured that it was adequate.

Please note that I pay nearly 4000 pesos per month for your service, and I expect a certain standard of service and customer care in return. The lack of proper repair and attention to detail displayed in this instance is not reflective of that standard.

I would appreciate it if you could look into this matter urgently and arrange for a second visit to rectify the work carried out. I trust that you will treat this issue with the seriousness it deserves and take necessary steps to ensure such instances are not repeated in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and action.


Dia Ritoch