Sleepless Night: Battling Anxiety for a Summer Adventure

I’m lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come. I’m anxious about tomorrow’s early morning travel to RLBermeo’s Rest House, and relying on Google Maps or Waze to find our way. Sleeplessness creeps into every corner of my mind, threatening to dampen my experience.

I’ve taken valerian capsules, but they don’t seem to work. Anxiety about getting lost or encountering obstacles grows. Sleep feels further away than ever.

I try meditation, breathing exercises, and stretches to find solace. Tomorrow’s adventure is about more than just missed sleep. It’s about embracing the unknown, relying on technology, and immersing ourselves with open hearts and minds.

It is testing my patience and filling me with apprehension. But I embrace the excitement and unpredictability of the journey that awaits me. I may be tired, but I sure hope I am capable of facing the challenges that lie ahead.