Power Line Caught On Fire In The Middle Of The Night!

Last night, as I was preparing to settle into bed, a familiar occurrence disrupted my evening routine yet again—a sudden power fluctuation. The unmistakable sound of our air conditioner struggling with low voltage filled the room, emitting an unpleasant humming noise. It was impossible to ignore. To my surprise, our PLDT fiber router started blinking an alarming shade of red—an unprecedented event, as PLDT rarely experiences outages unlike its counterpart, Globe.

I casually mentioned the router’s unusual behavior to my husband, who was in the midst of starting up his computer. I assumed that the power fluctuation had somehow caused the router to malfunction. But before we could delve into a discussion about the issue, a series of knocks on our front door jolted us from our thoughts. It was my cousin, Jenjen, her voice already audible from behind the door. She urgently requested that I make a quick call to Noceco, the local power company, as a power line across the street had caught fire!

Ralph hurried to the window and confirmed the distressing sight—electrical wires hanging perilously by the Evangelical Church area, specifically at the intersection of Lopez Jaena and Jacinto streets, were engulfed in flames. It appeared that the affected line served Barangay 2, as our power remained unaffected despite the ongoing fire.

In that moment, Ralph swiftly slipped on his slippers and rushed down to the gate, eager to gain a closer view of the unfolding events. I, on the other hand, chose to remain in the room, overwhelmed by a familiar unease that inevitably accompanies the presence of fire, especially one so close to our humble abode.

With a mix of trepidation and relief, I opened the window and saw my brothers already congregated outside. Rena, my sister-in-law, excitedly exclaimed that the Hinigaran Fire Brigade had arrived, prepared and poised to combat the raging inferno. It felt like an eternity to me, but through their valiant efforts, the fire was finally extinguished by the stroke of midnight.

The harrowing incident served as a reminder of the unpredictability of life and the fragility of our surroundings. It also shed light on the unwavering dedication and courage displayed by our local heroes, the Hinigaran Fire Brigade. Their prompt response and efficient actions were instrumental in protecting our community and preventing further devastation.

As we reflect on this event, let us not take for granted the everyday conveniences that electricity and internet connectivity provide. It is during such moments of disruption that we realize the significance of these modern amenities and appreciate the tireless efforts of the individuals who work behind the scenes to ensure their availability.

In the wake of this incident, I find solace in the knowledge that our community is united in times of crisis. We stand together, ready to support and assist one another through the challenges that life throws our way.