My heart is broken today and it’s Valentine’s Day!

Today is Valentine’s Day and I’m already seeing cringe-worthy love messages and greetings across social media among couples. Don’t get me wrong! I think they’re sweet, kind of childish but I find them excessively corny. My husband will most certainly beg to differ with my take on this occasion because he’s a romantic, the type who would yell ‘I love you!‘ out loud the way you see it done in the movies.

Days prior to Valentine’s day, I had already warned him NOT to get me any flowers. I’m not allergic to flowers. I just don’t know what to do with them! So this is what he got me instead:

I believe he got these from 7-Eleven! So if you haven’t gotten anything yet for your spouse and would like to play it safe, just grab one of these.

But today sucks! Not because it’s Valentine’s day, but because we found our Chattering Lory parrot, Starbucks, dead in his cage. He’s the one I always call ‘Star Star‘. My heart ached so much when I saw him lifeless at the bottom of his cage.

Ralph, my husband, immediately reviewed our surveillance footage in the aviary but it left us with more questions than answers. Starbucks wasn’t even sick. He hasn’t shown any signs of weakness these past few days. In the surveillance footage, he just fell from his perch as if he had a heart attack! It happened at night time and the other birds didn’t even notice the thud he made as he fell down.

Oh I love that parrot so much! He’s the one with so much personality! He will not let you just pass by without introducing himself as the ‘Star Star‘! God my heart is broken today which is ironic because it’s Valentine’s day!