I Officially Have Type 2 Diabetes

Good morning friends! I have been staring at my computer screen for quite sometime now and for some reason, I was having a hard time getting myself to clock in and start doing my paid work. I’m in one of those procrastinating moments which I tend to have from time to time. Instead of working, I find myself browsing for what’s the latest news on Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson cheating scandal! I even used the Boomerang app for the first time since I installed it!

Anyway, a lot has happened this past few days. If you haven’t noticed, I have not really been vlogging regularly lately and it has nothing to do with my Canon camera being broken and unserviceable anymore. Yes, my Canon model is so outdated and the support for it has already been discontinued. Not the end of the world really. My Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra phone camera quality is sooooo good that it far outweighs the sad reality that I had to permanently box my first-ever vlogging tool.

So back to where I mentioned that a lot has happened which I haven’t documented on social media, my father-in-law, Edward Michael Ritoch, passed away last April 5th. He suffered two consecutive strokes. He was 76 years old. Ralph, my husband, was so devastated because he really had high hopes of getting him and his mom to come here and show them the Philippines. His father was the one who always talked to him longer on the phone and would ask about me and Ken. He was very accepting. I truly felt like he accepts me as his daughter-in-law and Ken as one of his grandchildren wholeheartedly. And I’m so heartbroken that he’s gone. Ralph’s mom called and informed him of his dad’s passing a week after he was buried. Ralph said her mom purposely held off on telling him sooner because she didn’t want him rushing to head home especially that it’s gonna cost him to do so. Well it was a good thing she called to inform Ralph about it that night because the next day, Ralph received an email from other people sending their condolences. Ralph was like “Can you imagine if my mom had not told me my dad died and I had to find out from other people?”

And in other news, I was scheduled to see my Diabetes doctor once again. I went last Monday, April 16 to Medical Arts Building where I bumped unto a very good friend, Jane Pacheco. She was with her super adorable daughter.

I had to step out of the clinic twice because there were so many patients before me and I decided to attend to my other itineraries like get my NBI Clearance. Unfortunately, my name had a hit and I was scheduled to come back two weeks after. How can I have a hit? When I was single, I had renewed my NBI clearance several times and didn’t get a hit. Now that I’m married and bearing a very unique last name, I got a hit? Seems weird.

At 4PM, I went back to Dr. Quisumbing’s clinic and it was a perfect timing coz there was only one patient left. I had my Fasting Blood Sugar test done a week ago and saw that the result was not in my favor so I knew that I will not be leaving his clinic with good news. Three months ago, he diagnosed me as Pre-Diabetic because my lab results really didn’t show that I’m in the Diabetic level. Because of that, I thought I was in the safe stage and can go back to eating the way I used to. But apparently, my recent FBS revealed a very high number and he officially diagnosed me with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. And I take full responsibility on why It ended up like this. It’s all my fault. But I am determined to correct it by eating healthy from now on. I just have to do it if I still want to see my son graduate from college and have a career and family of his own.