Skipped Yoga but Gained a Grandbaby!

So, here’s the scoop: We were supposed to have a live Zoom yoga session yesterday at Daily Prana studio. Master G, the dedicated guru she is, continues to lead the sessions from abroad. You’d think being out of the country might put a damper on things, but nope, not for Master G! However, the universe had other plans. Internet connectivity issues decided to play spoilsport, leaving us with the only option to follow a recorded session. As much as we love yoga, trekking to the studio just to follow a recording felt, well, not worth the effort. So, we decided to give yoga a miss for the day.

But hold on, the day wasn’t a total loss! We still had to make a trip to Bacolod to meet up with our lawyer, Jigger Locsin, whom we’ve rehired. You see, Ralph and I have been house hunting in the Bacolod area. While house hunting is an adventure in itself, it can also be a bit overwhelming. That’s where Jigger comes in. We felt that having a lawyer on board would make things much easier for us. Jigger is helping us validate some of the listings we’ve been eyeing, ensuring that everything is legitimate and above board. He’s also assisting us with the home loan process, guiding us through the maze of paperwork and legalities. With his expertise, we’re feeling much more confident about finding our dream home without falling into any legal pitfalls.

Our meeting with Jigger was at our now favorite restaurant, Al Forno. We practically waited outside until the restaurant opened at 10 AM. It’s become a bit of a ritual for us. This time, Ralph decided to try their veggie pizza, which he swore was exceptionally good. He even declared that he’d keep returning just for that pizza!

Now, here’s the big news I’ve been keeping from you, my dear readers. The cat is finally out of the bag, and I can’t keep it to myself any longer… Ralph and I are soon going to be grandparents! Yes, you read that right. Our only son, Ken Matthew, and his girlfriend, Lady Jenn Sanchez, are expecting a baby girl. She’s due to make her grand entrance in the last week of July.

How did we find out, you ask? Well, it’s a bit of a shocker. Lady Jenn herself didn’t know she was pregnant until she went to see an OB GYN for a consistent pain in her abdomen. Can you imagine our surprise when we learned she was already six months along? Lady Jenn has this irregular period thingy, something like PCOS, where she can go months without having her period. So, when she finally saw the doctor, expecting to hear about some minor issue, she found out she was carrying my grandkid!

Since then, Lady Jenn has been staying with us, and we’ve been busy shopping for her maternity clothes. She’s been a trooper, handling everything with such grace. She will be skipping one whole year of school to bond with her baby, and we’re all just praying for a healthy baby girl, a smooth normal delivery, and for everything to be just perfect.

So, while we may have skipped a yoga session, the day was filled with joy, excitement, and a dash of disbelief. Life sure knows how to throw curveballs, but this is one curveball we’re more than happy to catch.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, keep those positive vibes coming our way! Namaste!