Finding My Zen in Bacolod: Why Daily Prana Is My Go-To

So, you’re probably wondering why I’ve become a die-hard fan of Daily Prana, and why I’m convinced you should jump on the bandwagon too.

A Love Affair with Dumbbells: The Pre-Yoga Days

Ah yes, let’s stroll down Memory Lane, shall we? Picture it: Hinigaran, not so long ago. There I was, in the throes of a torrid love affair with my gym routine. You know the deal—dumbbells, treadmills, and that machine you never really understood but used anyway because it seemed important for some muscle group you couldn’t pronounce. Ah, those were the salad days, my friends.

Chest day! Thank you coach Jason!

Posted by Dia Navarro Ritoch on Sunday, May 15, 2022

I have always been passionate about boxing! Which is why despite how tight my fitness programs are, I still found time to get back to it! By the way, losing weight is not my main focus on why I’m doing all these: gym, yoga and boxing. I just want to stay active, control my blood sugar and get my heart rate up! If I lose weight in the process (I hope I do), then it’s just a bonus! ❤️

Posted by Dia Navarro Ritoch on Wednesday, May 18, 2022

My husband and I had this unspoken pact. We’d hit the gym, get our endorphins buzzing, and revel in the aura of “fit-couple goals.” Ah, the synchronized sound of weights clanking and treadmills humming—it was like a modern-day love song, just without the auto-tune.

Cue the Yoga Intrigue

Then one fateful evening, my husband floated an idea as casually as someone suggesting a new Netflix series. “What about yoga?” he said, eyes glinting with curiosity. Yoga? The art of twisting your body like a pretzel while trying not to break wind? Intriguing, to say the least.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t anti-yoga or anything. I was doing yoga way back when I was working as a Spa Therapist in Mandala Spa & Villas in Boracay many years ago. I’d seen enough Instagram posts to know it was “cool” and “zen,” and who could say no to some extra zen in their life? But yoga was like the trendy new kid at school, while the gym was my long-term BFF.

So Who Was I To Say No?

But hey, marriage is about compromise, right? And if my better half wanted to exchange dumbbells for downward dogs, then who was I to argue? Besides, it could be fun, an adventure of the “bendy” kind. And so, we Googled our way into the labyrinth of “yoga in Bacolod,” unknowingly stepping onto a path that would lead us far beyond any gym or yoga mat.

The first hit was Khalon Studio, aka YogaWithKat. Long story short, we couldn’t find the place. Seriously, it’s like it was hidden in some Hogwarts-esque parallel universe. So, we turned to the second option: Daily Prana. A place we could actually find on a map! Imagine that.

The 10 a.m. Initiation with Mary Joy Buenaventura

So, our first-ever session was at 10 a.m., taught by the serene yet stern Mary Joy Buenaventura. Let’s just say, the level was billed as somewhere “in between beginner and intermediate,” which is code for, “you’ll feel like a Gumby doll in a world of Transformers.” Hey, no judgment; we all start somewhere, right?

And let’s not forget the logistics, okay? My husband and I make the pilgrimage from Hinigaran to Bacolod for these sessions—a 54 km ride, if you’re counting. Initially, we committed to this journey just twice a week, because let’s face it, it’s not exactly a hop, skip, and a jump away. But oh, was it worth every kilometer.

The 8 a.m. Ascension with Master G

We later mustered the courage to join the 8 a.m. session taught by the formidable Master G. She still maintains that her class is “intermediate,” but let me spill the tea: her flow is more like decoding ancient Sanskrit while balancing on one leg. It’s advanced, period.

But despite the complexity, there’s something addictively charming about the 8 a.m. crowd. We’ve formed a tight-knit bond with our fellow yogis, a community of like-minded souls that makes the 54 km trek more than worth it. I mean, who wouldn’t want to start their day bending into a human pretzel with friends?

“Would You Like to Buy A 12-Course Package with That?”

Our first day at Daily Prana, we were yoga newbies paying for our first-ever session. Now, here comes the twist—this place loves to invite you to courses. Oh boy, do they. These invites aren’t exactly subtle nudges; they’re more like aggressive elbow jabs to your conscience. And let me tell you, resistance is futile.

Dragged to Enlightenment

While we started with just yoga, we found ourselves coaxed—no, borderline arm-wrestled—into a meditation course. But the caper didn’t stop there. My husband, whose chakras were doing the cha-cha by this point, dragged me into a Reiki 1 and 2 course. I went kicking and screaming, trust me. But guess what? Now, I’m a Certified Reiki Master Healer, alongside my husband and Dr. Leah Valencia. We’re a trio of awesomeness!

So, Why Daily Prana?

Look, I’ll keep it real. Did I willingly dive into every course? No. Did I still learn something incredibly useful? Absolutely. This isn’t just some wishy-washy spiritual mumbo-jumbo; it’s a practical toolkit for life. I now use my Reiki skills to take care of my injured pets and shield myself energetically.

In the end, I got more than a yoga stretch; I found a holistic path that I never knew I needed but now can’t imagine living without. Daily Prana might have aggressively nudged me onto this journey, but hey, I’m not complaining. Sometimes we all need a little push—or a full-on shove—to find our true calling.

So yes, I promote Daily Prana, and you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t at least consider giving it a whirl. I mean, who doesn’t want to be practically coerced into enlightenment?

So there you have it. Between the challenging sessions, the logistical acrobatics, and the incredible community, there’s more than one reason why we keep coming back. Sure, it may be a long journey from Hinigaran to Bacolod, but let me tell you, the destination is so worth it.